Embedded Systems Lab, Department of Instrumentation and Control of COEP Technological University Pune, India, focuses on the real-time implementation of computationally complex control algorithms on embedded platforms. Our group works on the efficient and robust embedded implementation of on-line and off-line Model Predictive Controller (MPC) on various Embedded platforms. Currently, we are working on development of control oriented (diabetic) glucose model, machine learning approaches for model predictive control, Li-Ion battery management systems, energy efficient control of BLDC motors applied to Electric Vehicles (EV's) and POSIT based libraries development for memory efficient implementation of predictive controllers.
Prof. D. N. Sonawane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Instrumentation and Control at College of Engineering, Pune and he is the in-charge of the Embedded Systems Lab. |
LATEST NEWSCongratulations..............
Congratulations to Mr. Yashwant Adhav for Successfully defending his PhD thesis on " Real Time Measurement System for Specific Gravity of Lead Acid Battery Electrolyte" Congratulations to Chaitanya Jugade for his paper titled "A Memory Efficient FPGA Implementation of offset-free Explicit Model Predictive Controller" accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, Vol 30(6), pg. no. 2646-2657 Congratulations to Mr. Pramod Ubare for his paper titled "Enhancing performance of permanent magnet motor for EV drives using MPC", accepted for publication in Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, SAGE Publications. |